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redLantern Moving Updates
redLantern will begin moving our offices on Monday, November 23rd. redLantern staff will be working Monday the 23rd through Wednesday the 25th and will be closed for Thanksgiving on Thursday the 26th and Friday the 27th.
During the week of November 23rd, telephones will be unavailable due to the transition. Please direct all communications through email to ensure our staff will receive them during the move. This means our fax number will also be unavailable, so please make sure you hold on to those documents until Nov. 30th or please email them directly to us. Our new fax number on November 30th will be: 513.834.8779. Jira and support center accounts will NOT be disrupted by our move.
As a reminder, our email addresses have all changed from the @muohio.edu format to:
firstname.lastname@redLanternU.com and our new phone numbers will be activated on Monday, November 30th.
To view a list of new staff phone numbers and email addresses as of November 30th please go to: http://clients.redlanternu.com/home/display/SVC/redLantern+Team
Our new mailing address is:
redLantern, LLC
1327 E. Kemper Rd. Suite 3000
Cincinnati, OH 45246