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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0

Be certain to check the notifications information below and on this link:

What is a forum?

Forums are on-line discussion sites where clients can communicate with each other and request and share information about products and issues related to all aspects of redLantern's our products.  Additionally, the forums will enable redLantern CollegeSource to share news regarding product updates, conferences, webinars and other training opportunities, etc.


You can choose to search all forums or a specific forum.  NOTE: The search picks up words in the messages--not in the topics headers.

The best way to learn about forums is to use them.  Check them out here:


Other Forum Concepts

Monitor activity in a forum. redLantern does not require pre-approval of forum postings but may choose to lock message threads that are inactive or move a message from one topic heading to another.  A Forum can be created and limited to a specific group of users if the need arises.


All clients with Support Center Accounts are automatically signed up for the Announcements forum.  This will be used to inform the community about product updates, webinars, Users Conferences, and other redLantern, LLC CollegeSource business news.  All other forums are configurable per user.  The forum emails can be set to 'none', 'all', or only reply to own messages (and topics).  If you opt to not sign up for email alerts from the forums, you are strongly encouraged to check them out on a routine basis so you will stay informed about product updates.  Additionally, the forums will be great resources as they are easily searchable and once clients start sharing advice, job descriptions, etc., these will be easily found when you have the need to look for them. SPECIFIC DETAILS ON ACCOUNT SETUP CAN BE FOUND HERE: http://clients.collegesource.com/home/display/SUP/Forum+Notification+Options

Forum Advantages (over listserv)


Easy to watch/stop watching particular forums and topics.  Simply click the link at the bottom of each forum and topic.

Easier to share information and to search for topics and other users.


No.  It will still be available via Miami University. 

