The Transferology Connector provides degree audits and course equivalencies from uAchieve to Transferology. The Transferology Connector is a Java web application installed at your school. 

The following diagram provides a high level view of the Transferology Connector and its relationship with Transferology.

If you are unfamiliar with the Transferology Connector, please see Getting Started With the Transferology Connector.

The following requirements are mandatory to successfully install, configure, and operate the Transferology Connector:

  • Java SE 8 - If your institution is unfamiliar with java, please see Free Java 8 Implementations.
  • TLSv1.2 - The Transferology web service which receives degree audits no longer supports TLSv1 or TLS v1.1. Java 8 and higher use TLSv1.2 by default.
  • Java Application Server - CollegeSource recommends Tomcat 8.5.x or 9.0.x, which can be obtained from the following page:
  • Firewalls
    • School's External firewall must allow traffic to:
      • Your production Transferology Connector from (
      • Your test/development Transferology Connector from (
      • CollegeSource recommends restricting access to the Transferology Connector only after it is correctly installed and configured. Restricting access prior to this makes troubleshooting difficult.
    • Internal - TCP keepalive must be enabled between your Java Application Server and database when the JDBC connection traverses an internal firewall.


5.0 Features 

For features provided in earlier versions, see Connector Milestones.

Additional Information


The uachieve database must have JOB_QUEUE tables upgraded to uAchieve 4.4.

When upgrading to the 5.0.x version of the Connector, follow these steps:

  1. Execute the Connector 5.0 sql database script for your particular database. The script adds the last_mod_descendant_utc column to the tca_master and tca_rule tables.
    1. Oracle - connector-oracle-5_0.sql
    2. SQL Server - connector-mssql-5_0.sql
    3. DB2 - connector-db2-5_0.sql
  2. Execute the Connector 5.0 sql database trigger script for your particular database. The triggers maintain the last_mod_descendant_utc columns of the tca_master and tca_rule tables.
    1. Oracle - connector-oracle-triggers-5_0.sql
    2. SQL Server - coming soon
    3. DB2 - coming soon
  3. Install the 5.0.x Connector version.
  4. The configuration instructions for the RequestHandler defined in the uAchieve daemonContext.xml were revised due to the additional uachieve report types HTM and PDF.
  5. Use the Transferology Lab's Audit Setup page to:
    1. Change the Audit request format to: Connector 5.x
    2. Change the Audit Report type to: TXT, HTM or PDF

  • The above Mandatory Requirements section identifies the minimum uAchieve audit server and uAchieve tables which are compatible with the Transferology Connector versions 5.0.x, 4.4.x and 4.3.x.

Install and Configure

When you are ready to install and configure the Transferology Connector, follow these steps:

1. Database Access by Transferology Connector into uachieve tables.

2. Install and Configure Transferology Connector

3. If your school's uAchieve encoding specifies default or reference only tables in your equivalencies, keep in mind, Transferology does NOT recognize all types of default or reference tables. The following types of default or reference tables are recognized by Transferology:

  • Defaulting MSTREF Data - Reference Only
  • Defaulting TA Rules - Reference Only
  • Defaulting TA Rules - All Articulation Rules
  • Default TA Table With Additional Rules

Transferology doesn't recognize Defaulting Unknown Institutions and Courses aka Super Default.

Please review the following documentation for uAchieve default or reference tables encoding details: Setting Up Default Tables

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Several troubleshooting pages.