Upgrading the Transferology Connector from DARwin to u.achieve is straight forward.

Transferology Connector DARwin to u.achieve Upgrade Steps

  1. Revise the daversion line in the cas4.properties to:

     2. Add a u.achieve request handler so the correct audits are created for Transferology see u.achievedaemonContext.xml

     3. Restart the application server or redeploy the Transferology Connector. 

Additional u.achieve upgrade Steps for schools using Lucene indexing

Schools using the Lucene indexing for default tables configuration, have a few more steps. Check whether your cas4.properties file has the line:


If so, do the following:

  1. Revise the tcaLuceneFlag line in the cas4.properties to:

     2. Restart the application server or redeploy the Transferology Connector. 

     3. Follow the Manual Index Rebuild steps.

     4. After the manual index rebuild is finished, follow the Manual Index Rebuild steps a second time. Two rebuilds are required to convert both the primary and secondary indexes to u.achieve.