The Connector depends on a u.achieve server to provide degree audits.

Two database connections are required to successfully produce degree audits through the Connector via u.achieve:

  1. u.achieve server
  2. Connector

Keep the following points in mind to minimize degree audit troubleshooting when installing the Connector:

  • A u.achieve server specific to Transferology can be used for Transferology degree audits.
  • The Connector must interact with the same JOB_QUEUE_xxx tables as the u.achieve server.
  • Degree audits for Transferology do not use the STU_xxx tables. Therefore, those tables do not need to be accessible by the u.achieve server and Connector.
  • For u.achieve audits, you must specify daversion=uachieve in the file.

The database user for the u.achieve server must have the following permissions:

Isolating the Connector From Your Existing u.achieve Audit Data

Some schools want to prevent the Connector from accessing the audit data contained in the JOB_QUEUE_xxx tables used by their existing u.achieve server. This is accomplished in the following tasks: