What is the Transferology Connector?

Provides degree audit and course equivalency web services to Transferology:

Java web application installed at your school

Compatible with u.achieve and DARwin

Formerly known as:
u.select Connector, CEGXML, CEG, XML Interface, External CEG

Network Architecture

Minimum Requirements

Java 6, 7 or 8

Java application server (we recommend Tomcat 7 or 8)

CollegeSource tables, minimum table definitions:

JDBC Driver compatible with your database

For degree audits, minimum degree audit server version:

External Firewall

The school’s firewall must allow Transferology and the Transferology Connector to communicate:

Internal Firewalls

If the JDBC connection traverses an internal firewall, then TCP keepalive must be enabled between the school’s java application server and database.

Transferology Connector Installation

OS access-install/configuration may require OS access to copy and edit files on Java application server

CollegeSource degree audit tables:

DARwin Table Access

Equivalencies require Select on:

Degree Audits require Insert, Update, Delete and Select on:

uAchieve Table Access

Equivalencies require Select on:

Degree Audits require Insert, Update, Delete and Select on:


Transferology establishes connections to the Transferology Connector

Transferology Connector Usage Scenarios

Let’s review the three usage scenarios:

  1. Transferology user requests a program (i.e., degree audit)
  2. Transferology Connector sends completed plan to Transferology
  3. Transferology retrieves school’s equivalencies

1. User Requests a Program

2. Degree Audit server processes the degree audit request

3. Transferology Retrieves School’s Equivalencies

Transferology makes the necessary requests to the Transferology Connector to retrieve the following MASTREF and TA data:

Additional Considerations

Where appropriate, use an SSL Certificate to secure data exchange between Transferology and the Transferology Connector

Restrict access to Transferology Connector

Transferology Connector does NOT access a school’s Student Information System

Degree audits are optional but equivalencies are mandatory