Two database connections are required to successfully produce degree audits through the Connector via uAchieve:

  1. uAchieve Server
  2. Connector

Keep the following points in mind to minimize degree audit troubleshooting when setting up database access and installing the Connector:

  • The Connector must interact with the same JOB_QUEUE_xxx tables as the uAchieve server.
  • Degree audits for Transferology do not use all of the STU_xxx tables. Only the STU_ACADREC table needs to be accessible by the uAchieve Server.
  • The Transferology Connector doesn't need access to any of the STU_xxx tables.
  • For uAchieve audits, you must specify daversion=uachieve in the file.
  • A second uAchieve server specific to Transferology can be used for Transferology degree audits, see the Isolating the Connector From Your School's Existing uAchieve Audit Data section below.

uAchieve Server Minimum Database Access

This section is important when the database user used by the uAchieve server is different than the schema owner of the uachieve tables. If the database user used by the uAchieve server is the same as the database owner of the uAchieve tables, the points in this section aren't necessary.

When the database user used by the uAchieve server is different than the schema owner of the uachieve tables, the database user for the uAchieve server must have the following minimum access (synonyms and privileges):

Isolating the Connector From Your School's Existing uAchieve Audit Data

Some schools want to prevent the Connector from accessing the audit data contained in the JOB_QUEUE_xxx tables used by their existing uAchieve Server. 

The alternatives below assume this initial setup, prior to performing the isolation steps:

  1. Db user/schema UACHIEVE owns all UACHIEVE tables.
  2. The uAchieve server connects to the database as the UACHIEVE user.
  3. Db user/schema TFO_CONNECTOR has access (privileges and synonyms) to the UACHIEVE schema tables as indicated above.
  4. The Transferology Connector connects to the database as the TFO_CONNECTOR user.

The following sections show the two alternatives.

Isolation via 3 Database Users

This isolation requires three database users and is the most secure. 

Coming soon!

Isolation via 2 Database Users

This isolation only requires two database users. It is slightly less secure than the above 3 Database User alternative.

Database user specifics:

It is accomplished with the following tasks: