Upgrading the Transfer Rule Extractor is a simple task:

  1. Download the newest T-Rex client from the PeopleSoft Download or Banner Downloads page
  2. Move the download to the same directory as the current T-Rex Client
  3. Unzip it
  4. Move your database driver jar from the current T-Rex Client (ex: {TransferRuleExtractor-1.0}/bin/lib/ojdbc8.jar) into the new T-Rex Client /bin/lib/ directory
    1. The download does not include an Oracle Database Driver jar file, you will need to keep that jar file from your current installation.
  5. Copy the 3 current T-Rex Client /config/*.properties files, and paste them into the new T-Rex Client /config/ directory
    1. If you're upgrading from a version before 2.0, you will need to append "-v2" onto the trex.server.url property
    2. Example: trex.server.url=https://www.transfer.org/transfer-rule-receiver-v2
  6. Update the permissions on the new T-Rex Client /bin/run-trex.* scripts to be executable

Be aware of your crontab job and the directory it expects to find the execution scripts ({new-trex}/bin/run-trex.*)

I would recommend removing the version from the directory name so that you don't have to update crontab for future upgrades

Be aware of any changes made to your run-trex.* script, and compare it with the new T-Rex to make sure any of your changes are carried forward

Some schools have increased the memory profile of the app

Do not remove any of the JAVA_OPTS defined in the file (only update/add your own)

Example Commands for experienced users:

# Update these values to match your environment

# Upgrade Commands
mv ~/${new_client}.tar.gz ${trex_dir}
cd ${trex_dir}
tar xvf ${new_client}.tar.gz 
cp ${old_client}/bin/lib/${db_driver} ${new_client}/bin/lib
cp ${old_client}/config/trex.properties ${new_client}/config
cp ${old_client}/config/trex-sql.properties ${new_client}/config
cp ${old_client}/config/log4j.properties ${new_client}/config
chmod 744 ${new_client}/bin/run-trex.*

# Update receiver URL, if necessary
v2=$(grep 'transfer-rule-receiver-v2' ${new_client}/config/trex.properties)
if [[ -z $v2 ]]
	trexProps=$(awk '{gsub(/transfer-rule-receiver/,"transfer-rule-receiver-v2"); print}' ${new_client}/config/trex.properties)
	echo $trexProps > ${new_client}/config/trex.properties

# if necessary
mv ${new_client} transfer-rule-extractor

# to test
cd transfer-rule-extractor/bin